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Thong yod, Thong yip, Foi thong – Kind of Thai sweetmeat made from egg yolks

Thong yod, Thong yip, Foi thong – Thai Dessert A Kind of Thai sweetmeat made from egg yolks.

Thong Yod (Golden Drops)

Of Portuguese origin, this sweetmeat is mand from flour, egg yolks and water. Drop some yolk mixture into boiling syrup. When done, each drop looks like a big, golden water drop. Thong yod was introduced to Thailand by Thao Thong Kip Ma during Ayutthaya in King Narai’s reign.

Thong Yip (Golden Flower)

Of Portuguese origin. This sweetmeat is made from a mixture of flour and eggs yolks beaten into a flat, round mass. Drop some egg mixture into boiling syrup to form a stiff cake. Place the cakes on a tray and then onto a small sweet cup. Pinch around the top rim to make 4-6 folds. Thong yip was introduced to Thailand by Thao Thong Kip Ma during Ayutthaya period.

Foi Thong (Golden Threads)

Of Portuguese origin, golden threads are made from the yolks of duck eggs, beaten and stirred in boiling water and sugar. Drip the egg yolks into hot syrup in a continuous stream through a tube with a fine nozzle or a paper cone. Foi thong was introduced to Thailand around the same time as Thong yip and Thong yod during Ayutthaya in King Narai’s reign.